A couple who have been living in their RV for years now, including an older woman with serious health problems, was the victim of a hit and run that crashed their trailer and damaged their RV home on December 14th 2024. But unlike normal hit and runs where police investigate the incident and get insurance info from the perpetrator to pay for damage, in this case police have refused to investigate and get insurance to pay for repairs – specifically because this couple is houseless living in the RV. Anti-houseless statements by these police have made this prejudice clear – and left this couple with a severely damaged trailer and RV. You can see a video of the damage here. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CEvjTX-H8YQ
Two days later, when they drove over to one of the hotel shelters where the woman was scheduled to be picked up for a ride to a medical appointment, they were told by staff they could park there during her appointment but then bombarded by security telling them to leave. Then they moved onto a public street and while she was gone at the appointment, security called the police who then rolled up on her husband in their RV. They harassed him and threatened to tow their RV, but finally, ultimately left. Then two days later, police rolled up on them on a different public street. The police threatened to ticket them for the ‘poverty tow’ law – the law that makes it illegal to park any large vehicles or vehicles deemed ‘junkers’ (for things as petty as a cracked windshield) on any public street for more than 2 hours total in a week. A law that gives police the full authority to decide when a vehicle is a ‘junker’, issue warnings, and steal people’s homes and all their belongings just at the police’s word and whim. The police did not care that they were victims of a hit and run causing the damage to the RV. Rather they seemed to delight in having a new reason to harass. They were eventually able to get the police not to ticket or tow their RV home. Instead police posted the RV with a 48 hour parking warning. Yet another ‘abandon’ vehicle warning for a vehicle they are sitting in, driving from block to block every day, and that is their home with all their tools for survival.
Towing their RV leaving this older woman with serious health conditions on the streets with nothing, would be sentencing her to death. She simply would not make it. Yet this is exactly what they are being set up for to happen any day now… This is not acceptable!@% Denver must stop harassing this couple living in their RV, investigate the hit and run to get them the insurance payment they deserve, and absolutely must not tow their home and leave them on the streets to die!@#
Contact the Mayor’s office and demand the City Stop Harrassing this couple and provide housing instead!
Email – mayorsoffice@denvergov.org
For context, watch this video interview with this couple from a few months ago – they have been continuously harassed in this manner, including having two vehicle homes towed, for 9 years now…https://www.facebook.com/reel/1674465963310267 You can also see video evidence of the constant police terror this coupe has faced living in their vehicles on their youtube channel here https://www.youtube.com/@chanyd3623
They will be speaking to City Council on Monday – they are desperate…tarrorized by police for unjust laws and suffering from serious health conditions.
Housekeys Action Network Denver
Towards rights, dignity, housing…
email info@housekeysactionnetwork.com
phone 701-484-2634
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