Please join the Sacramento Racial Equity Alliance and Council TODAY Tuesday, Dec. 3 at 5pm for the city council meeting. We need to demand that the City Council prioritize racial equity and adopt the community’s version of the racial equity resolution.
Click here to view the City Council Agenda – It is item #30.
Not able to attend? Click here to submit an e-comment.
What you should know:
- The Sacramento Racial Equity Alliance and Council drafted a resolution in collaboration with City partners based on what we heard from the listening sessions this past summer. Because it was rooted in our community’s voices, we were happy that the Racial Equity Committee approved this version of the resolution on October 29th.
- With short notice, the City let us know that the racial equity resolution would be going to the full City Council on November 12th at 2pm INSTEAD of 5pm. Not only was 2pm an inaccessible time for the community, the City Manager’s Office created a different version of the resolution for City Council to consider. This version took out key components from the one that was originally approved by the Racial Equity Committee. The version from the City Manager’s Office is attached. The key changes include removing the language of “Directs City Manager” and “exploring the creation of an ordinance”.
- At the Nov. 12th meeting, Councilmember Vang requested the vote for the racial equity resolution be moved to December 3rd at 5PM to allow the community to come out and for the version of the resolution approved by the Racial Equity Committee to be provided to City Council for consideration. The City Council approved this request to move the item to December 3rd.
- At today’s city council meeting, there will be two resolutions for the City Council to consider. One from the community that was approved by the Racial Equity Committee — and one from the City Manager’s Office.
Join us TODAY at City Hall at 5pm! Together, we will urge City Council toadopt the Racial Equity Committee’s approved resolution, NOT the version the City Manager changed without the input or knowledge of the Racial Equity Committee or community. The City must center community partnership and accountability.
See you soon!
In solidarity,
Sacramento Racial Equity Alliance & Council
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