These pictures taken inside Crossroads Shelter on November 29th 2022 speak for themselves. Men are so cramped into this shelter, especially on cold days, that they are sleeping on the ground in every nook and cranny of the building. The cots and mats are all full and additional men coming into the shelter are forced to sleep on the hard floor with no blankets. Many of these men are old, sick, or disabled.
Data from Crossroads shelter usage shows it is continually at capacity, not even on cold nights. There is no way to excuse this!&^ No matter what the City says, pictures from inside speak for themselves showing this shelter is overfull.
Overflow shelters for cold weather must be opened by default in any cold or wet weather and buses must transport guests going to Crossroads who are there with no mats or blankets to overflow shelter with proper space, cots, mats, and blankets. This is the most basic humane action needed to treat people seeking shelter at Crossroads in cold weather as human beings.

Housekeys Action Network Denver
Towards rights, dignity, housing…
email info@housekeysactionnetwork.com
phone 701-484-2634
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