Dear Allies,
Next week there are a number of actions happening to oppose SB 1338 / CARE Court. Please feel free to forward this information to your networks and share widely!
Monday August 1: Day of Action AGAINST Care Court
Calling on individuals, organizations and allies who OPPOSE Care Court to call their legislators to urge a NO vote on SB 1338 when the proposal comes before them for a vote.
Here’s how you can help on August 1
- Use this script
- Find your Assembly Representative
- Call the offices of the Assemblymembers on the Assembly Appropriations committee, AND your own Assembly representative to voice your opposition
For more information contact Cynthia Castillo, Western Center on Law & Poverty, at ccastillo@wclp.org
Wednesday August 3: Assembly Appropriations Hearing
SB 1338 will be heard in Assembly Appropriations Committee on August 3. The hearing will begin at 9am and the Committee will likely take some remote testimony in opposition (me too’s).
The call in number and file order will be listed on the Assembly’s website next week – https://apro.assembly.ca.gov/hearings
A copy of DRC’s joint opposition letter submitted to Assembly Appropriations is attached.
Sign On to a Joint Open Letter to Tell Governor Newsom We Do Not Need CARE Court (Deadline August 5th)
This letter will be shared with Governor Newsom’s administration to show the mass opposition of those who stand against CARE Court. The joint letter represents the growing number of people and organizations speaking out from across the country, who see CARE Court – a new civil court system if passed in California – as having a high likelihood of being copied in other states.
Individuals and organizations are both encouraged to sign on – Sign On to the Letter Here
Contact Lili Graham with questions or for more information – lili.graham@disabilityrightsca.org
Dates To Be Determined: Local City Actions
We will update you on how you can join local advocates working to educate their communities about the concerns surrounding CARE Court.
LA Times Op Ed and Counter Proposal
Attached is a counterproposal by Housing California and CSH outlining the need for fully-funded housing, services and care to address homelessness for people with mental health disabilities – NOT CARE Courts.
Lastly, sharing a great editorial that came out today in the LA Times: The false promise of Governor Gavin Newsom’s CARE Courts.
In solidarity,
Jenny Olson
Senior Executive Assistant
Disability Rights California
Legislation and Communications Unit
1831 K Street
Sacramento, CA 95811
Phone: (916) 504-5987 (Direct Line)
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