Dear Partners and Allies,
Please join us for a Day of Action AGAINST Care Court on Monday August 1.
Background: The Assembly Appropriations Committee is set to hear SB 1338, a bill that we strongly oppose on Wednesday August 3. If the bill passes Appropriations, it is expected to head to a full vote by the Assembly shortly thereafter.
This proposal fails to provide fundamental housing needs, robust supportive services, and fully-funded intensive and voluntary treatment. Additionally, it would:
- Fail to achieve the stated goal, as studies show coercive treatment is ineffective
- Perpetuate institutional racism and worsen health disparities
- Violate the autonomy and civil rights of people with mental health disabilities
- Fail to address underfunded and inaccessible housing, health, and behavioral health systems
The bill has only received ONE no vote this year.
We are calling on individuals, organizations and allies who OPPOSE Care Court to call their legislators to urge a NO vote on SB 1338 when the proposal comes before them for a vote.
Mark your calendar. Here’s how you can help on August 1:
- Use this script
- Find your Assembly Representative
- Call the offices of the Assemblymembers on the Assembly Appropriations committee, AND your own Assembly representative to voice your opposition
We’re hoping to mobilize as many people as we can. Please share this message with your networks. Additionally, if there are organizations who have mass phone or texting capabilities and who are able to amplify this message, please reach out to me. We’ll be sure to remind folks closer to the date!
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