The Sacramento Homeless Union and the residents of Camp Resolution will issue a more comprehensive response to the Mayor Darrell Steinberg soon.
The mayor, the City’s official website and a handful of phony “homeless advocates” today blamed the Homeless Union for the spectacle of destruction and human suffering at what for two years was a safe refuge for the majority female, majority elderly and majority disabled residents.
For now, we’ll just ask this:
Whose bulldozers crushed the RVs in which human beings have safely lived for two years? The City of Sacramento or the Homeless Union.
What name was printed on the trucks into which the skip loaders dumped clothing, food, medicine, and other personal property belonging to the residents? “City of Sacramento” or “Homeless Union”?
Who caused people to suffer seizures and mental health crises, to watch everything they owned get crushed and carted off like trash? Was that the Homeless Union? Or was it the City of Sacramento?
Who told us that the trailers and RVs and everything in them would be left intact at the site so that their owners could reclaim them? Anthony Prince of the Homeless Union? Or was it SPD Lieutenant Will Conner and his team that told that lie and then ordered the complete destruction of the camp and everything in it.
And, finally, who was it that wrongfully terminated its lease with the City of Sacramento on July 23 and handed them the excuse they needed to close the camp? Was that the Homeless Union? Or was that Safe Ground Sacramento, Inc., whose Executive Director Mark Merin had the shameless nerve to show up while the camp was being destroyed and tell the homeless not to worry because the City was going to build a tiny home village right where Camp Resolution once stood.
Today the City of Sacramento indelibly smeared itself with disgrace, violating state and federal disability laws after being warned not to do so by the Disability Rights California, designated the states’ official agency in1978 for protection and advocacy of the disabled by an act of Congress.
They say a lie travels half-way around the world before the truth gets out of bed. The Homeless Union and the courageous residents who held their ground, refused to let the City break its promise of individual, durable permanent housing without a fight.
For our part, the Union and the Camp Resolution residents will rise from this massacre stronger than before. And we are confident that while some will cheer, still others will share our disgust that a City that pays its City Manager over half-a-million dollar and wasted another $125 million taxpayer dollars can’t figure out a way to house its residents.
Next up, a hearing at 11:00 am on Friday, August 30 in Department 23 of the Superior Court.
If you want to hear some truth, under oath and for the record, be there.
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