All Californians deserve permanent, affordable housing, and healthcare that meet their needs and allow our communities to flourish.
Join us for a webinar to find out why we oppose CARE Court–and you should too!
All Californians deserve permanent, affordable housing, and healthcare that meet their needs and allow our communities to flourish.
Unfortunately, instead of focusing on proven methods that prioritize permanent housing and voluntary healthcare, Governor Gavin Newsom’s so-called “CARE Court” plan would create a new court system that subjects unhoused people with mental health conditions to involuntary treatment. This is not the answer. California desperately needs more housing and healthcare — not more courts.
Civil rights and disability advocates around the state are fighting back against the governor’s harmful proposal. Panelists will discuss the harms of CARE Court, how it is proceeding through the legislature, actions you can take to oppose this measure, as well as taking audience questions.
- Jody Armour, Moderator/Panelist: Professor of Law at the University of Southern California and ACLU SoCal board member. Professor Armour’s expertise ranges from personal injury claims to claims about the relationship between racial justice, criminal justice, and the rule of law. Professor Armour studies the intersection of race and legal decision making as well as torts and tort reform movements. A widely published scholar and popular lecturer, he has published extensively in leading law journals and books. Professor Armour often appears as a legal analyst on NBC, CBS, ABC, MSNBC, KPCC, KCRW, and a variety of other television and radio news programs.
- Paul Boden, Panelist: Executive Director of the Western Regional Advocacy Project. Mr. Boden became unhoused at the age of 16. He began volunteering at a drop-in shelter in San Francisco in 1983, eventually becoming a program director and then a case manager for people with mental health conditions. Paul served as Executive Director of San Francisco’s Coalition on Homelessness for 16 years and was a founder of the Community Housing Partnership, a nationally recognized permanent housing corporation with optional supportive services. He has received dozens of awards for his work in the community.
- Susan Mizner, Panelist: Executive Director of the ACLU Disability Rights Program, which she founded in 2012. The Disability Rights Program litigates cases, introduces and supports legislation, and coordinates with national and state ACLU offices on disability rights litigation and policy. Prior to the ACLU, Ms. Mizner directed the San Francisco Mayor’s Office on Disability, coordinated the Bar Association of San Francisco’s Poverty and Disability Rights Project, and advocated for unhoused people with disabilities.
- Shonique Williams, Panelist: Statewide Organizer for Dignity and Power Now and the NO CARE Court Coalition. Following a wrongful conviction that led to a two-year prison sentence, Shonique Williams has dedicated herself to advocating for social justice reform. She accredits her passion regarding advocacy to the knowledge that influence and representation is powerful in effective change. As a community leader, Shonique believes that one must be a representation of the community being served.
When: Monday, June 27, at 6pm
Where: Virtual Zoom Discussion
Zoom Registration RSVP Link:
Presented by the ACLU SoCal Economic Justice Committee
Cosponsored by ACLU SoCal Pasadena/Foothills Chapter • Dignity & Power Now • Human Rights Watch • LA Progressive • Western Regional Advocacy Project
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