Dear Community,
It has come to our attention that the Department of Transportation and Infrastructure (DOTI), the lead city agency for sweeps, keeps a calendar 6 weeks out of planned sweeps. It has also come to our attention that DOTI has a ranking system to rank encampments to sweep.
We are concerned that after being questioned in court regarding sweeps procedures, DOTI officials never disclosed that they have a calendar or prioritizing process. If these procedures are really supposed to be guiding DOTI in prioritizing encampments to sweep due to health and safety risks, why are these procedures and the calendar not transparent for the public to see?
The existence of this calendar means DOTI is aware of encampments and makes plans to remove encampments 6 weeks in advance (basically as soon as they form). What we are unaware of is any significant efforts for planned remediation/preventative procedures that would render such sweeps unnecessary. It appears that instead of a serious effort to address health and safety issues in encampments DOTI consciously chooses to let risks deteriorate until they become crises — unnecessarily endangering folks that live in the encampments and the nearby neighborhoods. With 6 weeks of lead time there is plenty of opportunity to remediate health and safety concerns, eliminating the need for displacement of individuals in encampments.
We have emailed DOTI asking that they publish their procedures and sweeps calendar transparently for the public – no reply. If they will not even reply to our request, it appears they need to hear from more voices that WE WANT TRANSPARENCY!!!
Please email DOTI Executive Director and lead staff for sweeps (cc Mayor’s Chief of Staff – Tell them City policies and procedures should not be secret. Tell them you want transparency in our City. Tell them to publish their procedures and sweeps calendar transparently for the public right away.
Onwards towards rights, dignity, and housing for all…
Denver Homeless Out Loud
–Sample email–
Dear DOTI,
It has recently come to our attention that the Department of Transportation and Infrastructure (DOTI) keeps a calendar 6 weeks out of planned sweeps. It has also come to our attention that DOTI has a ranking system to rank encampments to sweep.
These are critical procedures affecting our community. They should not be kept secret but should be transparent government procedures for the public to be aware of and help inform the best procedures possible.
Please share these site ranking procedures and this sweeps planning calendar with the public.
Thank you,
Your name here
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