Bay Area Legal Aid’s Comments to Oakland’s Proposed Homeless Encampment Management Policy PDF
Action Alert: Reach out to the City Council of Oakland and urge members to reject the Oakland City Administrator’s proposed encampment policy that will result in unconstitutional seizures of personal property and due process violations, increased criminalization of homelessness through greater policing, and uproot unhoused people from their community supports – all harms that will disparately impact people of color in the City. I’ve attached a letter submitted by Bay Area Legal Aid urging the City Council to reject the proposal which lays out lots of good reasons why the encampment proposal is a harmful and unconstitutional approach to homelessness.
You can find the proposed policy at
Pure and simple:
I oppose this plan. It is against the law. Be smart and legal and just build housing for these houseless humans.
Pure and simple:
I oppose this plan. It is against the law. Be smart and legal and just build housing for these houseless humans.