We need radical change that fully respects life. Police and state violence against Black and Brown people, the kind that led to the murder of George Floyd, happens everywhere, everyday. Sisters of the Road stands against this violence and in solidarity with Black and Indigenous people of color fighting for justice.
Communities of color, especially Black communities, are disproportionately overrepresented in the houseless population. This is because systemic and often racial oppressions cause homelessness. And far too often our neighbors who are forced to survive outside are blamed for these oppressions and poverty in America. This too is violence.
The combination of COVID-19, and the murder of George Floyd and others in the Black community, has shown us how gravely unjust our systems have always been. Sisters of the Road has a radical approach to change, one that invites authentic connections over a full plate of food. We ask you to join us in making authentic connections with your neighbors–through challenging conversations regarding race and oppression, followed by action–and be part of the change we so desperately need in our communities.
In lieu of today’s launch of Sisters’ Summer fundraiser campaign, Full Plate Project, and in solidarity with those fighting for Black justice, we also ask that you follow the link in our bio to visit the website of Dont Shoot Portland to see how you can create radical change in our community and donate to their work.
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