Today, at the sweep on Glenarm St, the 50 or more residents staying on this block were fenced out of the area by neighbor’s. A group of neighbor’s gathered together across the street during the sweep waiting like hawks for people to be moved. The minute people were moved the neighbor’s swarmed in with tools to put up fencing around the public strip. When we asked them about a permit to fence off this public right of way, they said they had called the city and the city told them they could do it. No written permit in hand.
This is just after we had shown residents this quote from the city that people can return to the area.
“At this time, due to the COVID-19 crisis, once the area is cleaned, people experiencing homelessness may return to the cleaned area, if they choose to do so.” Nancy Kuhn, Director, City & County of Denver Department of Transportation & Infrastructure
These 50 or so people are now scattered to other blocks around the area. They were not offered housing. They have nowhere to go but public space.
This shit must END. Public Space for is for the Public. House Keys Not Sweeps.
None of you business says
Did you seen the garbage and filth surrounding their tents? It was like a Petri dish for another disease. Not something we need EVER. If you like it so much, you should invite them to set up across from your home. I applaud forcing them out, and your article is part of the problem.