Warehousing human’s through various forms of force has been unequivocally deemed WRONG in the past and that has not changed.
We cannot sit back silently as these tyrants meet to plan furthering the war on our housing, survival, and freedom.
Join us in the following actions:
• Contact Mayor Hancock and tell him you will not stand for him meeting Marbut or Carson! Tell him human beings cannot be forced into warehouse-like concentration camps. Tell him public low-income housing is a right not a luxury and he must fight Carson’s proposed public housing cuts. Tell him not to take money with unjust strings attached. Call 720-865-9000
• Protest this Meeting in person on February 21st 12noon at City Hall. Stay tuned for details on place and time.
See and Share Facebook Event here https://www.facebook.com/events/190841095310011/
More Snow Today – Survival Gear Needed
It is snowing today – any tents, tarps, sleeping bags, and blankets will help folks out! Thanks to those who have donated in the past few weeks. It can save lives.
Two Folks Died in Cold in the past Two weeks
These two men died on the streets. Since January there have been 16 people who have died homeless in shelters and on the streets. Homelessness is literally killing people.
Denver Homeless Out Loud Main Meeting
Join us for our weekly main DHOL meeting this Wednesday 2/18 4:45-7pm at 2260 California st Denver CO 80205 (purple building shared with Centro Humanitarian)
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