On Monday April 29th 2019 at 1am in the morning, Jerry Burton was ticketed again with a “survival ban” (camping ban) ticket for using protection from the elements. On Tuesday May 28th 2019 at 8:30am he will go before the judge and put this law under question for its constitutionality.
On the day Jerry was ticketed he and the twenty or so other homeless people who had been surviving with him – sticking together for safety and community they called Jerr-E-ville – had been forced by police to move three times in the past three days. This time, after being exhausted from packing their things and hauling them across the city under constraint police pressure, they decided to move far away from downtown in a less visible place to hopes to be left alone and get some sleep. But at 12midnight police rolled up and woke them all with threats of arrest if they did not pack up and leave. This is when Jerry was ticketed.
cops taking Jerry’s blanket’s as evidence of the camping ban when he was ticketed for the ban in 2017
This is the third ticket for the “survival ban” that he has received, and the second time he has gone to court under charges of this law.
Jerry Burton will be represented by Attorney Andrew McNalty in this case.
Come to the Lindsey Flanigan Courthouse on Tuesday May 28th at 8:30am to support.
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