Due to Congress failing to provide adequate funding, HUD has stated clear intent to reduce public housing inventory under the euphemism of “repositioning” 105,000 public housing units to “a more sustainable platform by September 30, 2019”.
In this case, “repositioning” is a term used to characterize the reduction of dwellings in the public housing inventory through: Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD), Voluntary Conversion, Section 18 demolition/disposition, and Retention of Assets after a Declaration of Trust (DOT) release.
Read more about what “repositioning” means here: https://nlihc.org/sites/default/files/Repositioning_Public_Housing-PIH.pdf
Read the letter from HUD here: https://nlihc.org/article/hud-letter-phas-signals-intent-dramatically-reduce-public-housing-stock
Thanks for the intro, but where is the REST of the story? Who What Where When Why and How…..
Oh yeah, and how do we stop these little devils?