Hey People!
Oregon organizers are so excited that HB 2215, the Oregon Right to Rest Act is moving this year. We are gearing up for our first hearing in the Judiciary committee but we need your help!
Oregon state legislators Piluso, Dembrow, Greenlick, Nosse, Power, Hernandez and Frederick will be championing HB 2215 – The Oregon Right2Rest Act – for the second year. The Right2Rest Act is stronger, clearer, and more powerful! If HB 2215 passes this year – it will force the state of Oregon to abandon its practices of criminalizing homeless people for engaging in basic life-sustaining activities like sitting, lying, sleeping, resting and eating in public. The criminalization of rest must end if we are ever to turn the tide on our homelessness crisis.
You can read the full bill language here and you can read the main talking points here.
Follow These 2 Easy Steps to TAKE ACTION!
1) Send a letter of organizational support!
Click here for a sample letter.
Please send your letter by Friday, March 10th on organizational letterhead, to: coral@wraphome.org and oregonhbr@gmail.com
2) Email and call the members of the House Judiciary Committee by Friday, March 10th and urge them to support HB 2215, the Oregon Right2Rest Act
Committee Chair, Jeff Barker: (503) 986-1428 rep.jeffbarker@state.or.us
Committee Vice-Chair, Jenniffer Williamson: (503) 986-1436
Mitch Greenlick: (503) 986-1433 rep.mitchgreenlick@state.or.us
Ann Lininger: (503) 986-1438 rep.annlininger@state.or.us
Andy Olson: (503) 986-1415 rep.andyolson@state.or.us
Bill Post: (503) 986-1425 rep.billpost@state.or.us
Sherrie Sprenger: (503) 986-1417 rep.sherriesprenger@state.or.us
Chris Gorsek: (503) 986-1449 rep.chrisgorsek@state.or.us
Tawna Sanchez: (503) 986-1443 rep.tawnasanchez@oregonlegislature.gov
Duane Stark: (503) 986-1404 rep.duanestark@state.or.us
Rich Vial: (503) 986-1426 rep.richvial@oregonlegislature.gov
Sample Script:
My name is ________ and I am calling to urge you to vote YES on the Right To Rest Act. You will be hearing HB 2215: Oregon Right To Rest Act in the Assembly Judiciary Committee. This bill provides critical civil rights protections to ALL Oregonians to ensure that every Oregonians is able to meet the biological need of rest. The practice of criminalizing poor and homeless people for engaging in basic life-sustaining activities like eating, sleeping, resting, lying and sleeping is unjust, cruel and entrenches people in homelessness. HB 2215 will allow homeless people more time and energy to access services, search for employment and apply for housing that would otherwise be spent responding to police harassment, tickets, courts and jail time. Please vote YES on Hb 2215: the Oregon Right To Rest Act!
We ask you to stand us in ensuring that we can all have our right to rest!
The fact is , none of us truly wins until we all win. We can do this state by state. Our letters of support are on their way. Sleep deprivation is torture!
I am a homeless disabled American Veteren (not injured in combat, rather in an MAJOR Auto accident). I’ve been disabled now for 23 years. I have noticed that there seems to be a war being perpetrated against the disabled who walk upright. And it’s been going on for at least the last ten years or so. All of a sudden our Drs aren’t giving us enough Pain medication to last through the month. They say they don’t want to lose their liscense or they accuse us of selling the medication or worse yet that we don’t have it in our systems. And they use that excuse to cut you off cold turkey! What the hell is going on??