Right to Rest Get Involved Kick Off This Saturday
Saturday January 7th, 2017
Denver Homeless Out Loud Office (Centro Humanitario) – 2260 California St Denver (Purple Building on California and Park Ave)
Join us to learn about the 2017 Right to Rest Act, learn about the legislative process, and get involved in organizing for the Right to Rest at the Capital, on the streets, in your business, or where ever! Come and bring a friend.
The Right to Rest Act is a state legislative bill created from street outreach and run together with California and Oregon all as part of the Western Regional Advocacy Project. The bill protects all people’s rights to exist in public space – to sit, lie, sleep, cover oneself in a non-obstructive manner, sleep in a vehicle, have belongings, and share food. Basic survival.
Denver Homeless Out Loud Main Meeting
Join us for our weekly main DHOL meeting this Wednesday 1/4 4:45-7pm
at 2260 California St Denver CO 80205.
Working Group Meeting Times
Meets every Tuesday 5pm whole group at the DHOL office
Get Loud:
Meets Tuesdays and Fridays 1pm-3pm at the DHOL office
Homeless Bill of Rights:
Meets every Wednesday at 2:30pm at the DHOL office
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