Communities unite in the fight for our lives
To stay home, you have to have one! WRAP Updates
Demands + Actions Creates Change!
WRAP Statement Regarding COVID-19
They keep cutting the federal housing budget and blaming poor people for homelessness.
Fighting displacement and building community.
Because nothing ends homelessness like a home – Support WRAP!
WRAP – 15 Years of Building Power!
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Community Organizer Terese Howard of Denver Homeless Out Loud was arrested
Call for Community Support – Berkeley Where Do We Go?
WRAP Members’ kicking ass and having a blast!!!
Paul Boden is turning 60 today – hot damn!
WRAP Members Actions! San Francisco, Portland let’s party!
Go to Shelter or Go to Jail 100 Days of Action
The war on the poor is alive and well, make no mistake!
Help us reach our goal – AND possible BIG WIN against gentrification!
Win, Lose or Draw – Never quitting is what matters!!!!
WRAP UP! – nobody above the law and no laws above justice
National Press Advisory – Denver’s Right To Survive, Measure 300 ballot initiative
Gentrification and Solidarity – WRAP needs YOU today!
WRAP UP – Fighting for Our Right to Exist!
We’re no fools! Gentrification hurts everyone!
Redstone Labor Temple building Event
Redstone Labor Temple building Honoring 104 Years of Social and Economic
#bidsdestroyourcommunities STOP the Corporate takeover of Downtown San Francisco
Hard times require furious dancing
HUD States Clear Intent to Reduce Public Housing Stock Through a Letter to Public Housing Agencies
End-of-the-year message from Paul Boden, WRAP’s Executive Director
We know you know hoe impartant our work is but here are some testimonies from some of comunity to hopefully inspire and uplift you – thank you
Lets get RID of the BIDs
Community Converged big time on thanksgiving eve to demand end of insane sweeps
After three years of intensive research working alongside UC Berkeley Law Public Advocacy Clinic, WRAP released the first comprehensive examination of the correlation between Business Improvement Districts (BIDs) and the criminalization of poor and homeless people in the areas they have taken control of.
Curbside Community Led By Unhoused Women of Color Refuses to Move, Despite Oakland’s Mayor Threats to Evict; Administration Ignores United Nations Recommendation to Upgrade, Not Evict
Word on the street
Bay Area Curbside Communities Respond To UN Special Report On Homelessness Naming Oakland, San Francisco As Human Rights Violators
WRAP is proud to be featured along with art that highlights the power of youth, Palestinian rights, women, reparations, Indigenous rights, Stonewall and much more.
Over 9000 Signatures!!! Denver Right to Survive is Coming…
When we all come together with one voice, a unified set of demands and information that is accurate and rooted in our communities – we certainly can kick some ass!!
Patrolling and controlling our public spaces- sidewalks, streets and parks- Business Improvement Districts (BIDs) are privatizing our downtowns; criminalizing, and displacing the houseless, buskers, street vendors and poor people.
Our members in California, Colorado, and Oregon are taking the initiative this fall to end the criminalization of poor and homeless people and fighting for more funding of affordable housing.
Check out our BAMBOOZLED video: What (L.A.) Mayor Garcetti Doesn’t Want You to Know About Skid Row and His ‘Homeless Plan Scam’
Denver city officials destroyed homeless people’s property.
Don’t mourn…Organize! Here are some important news and events in Oregon that you need to know!
LACAN Los Angeles Community Action Network “Freedom Now” Awards 2018
Lots happening so lots of chances to get involved. Check it out-hit the streets with some great groups and have a blast! Remember it ain’t a revolution if you can’t dance to it!!!
Our BADASS friend is biking from Portland to San Francisco AND raising funds at the same time! That’s really cool!
When organizing on issue of homelessness, what exactly constitutes a victory?
“Sacramento Homeless Organizing Community (SHOC) joined this Lawsuit along with Sacramento Regional Coalition to End Homelessness (SRCEH) and James (Faygo) Clark.”
Rest, Not Arrest wins Best of Northwest Film Award
San Francisco may not be alone … Here we go again!
Sacramento hit with federal lawsuit seeking to overturn city’s panhandling ordinance
Important announcements/events and information from Poor People’s Campaign regarding upcoming 40 days of nonviolent direct action!!!
Right now, in 41 states, including Washington D.C., coordinating committees across the nation are preparing for actions in their states with the Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival.
We had a busy month at Denver Homeless Out Loud…
State Committee Again Votes Against Right to Rest – Community Voice Loud And Clear that Our Human Rights Will Be Heard No Matter What
Fighting the Criminalization and Exclusion of Pedestrian Plazas
HB 18-1067, The Colorado Right to Rest Act has been introduced and has been scheduled for its first hearing in House Local Government Committee
In spite of the fact Congress still has not passed the 2018 budget (hearing expected mid-March) Trump just released his proposed budget for 2019 and surprise more bad shit for poor people!!
First They Came For The Homeless Statement | Berkeley CA
Colorado Right to Rest! What it is – What you can do #1
Sweeping homelessness; as though unhoused people are dirt
UN expert decries homeless conditions in Bay Area as “cruel,” “unacceptable”
Join the Oregon Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival on February 5th at 10:00am for our Unity News Conference in Salem
In January, the UN Special Rapporteur on Adequate Housing visited the Bay Area to investigate “informal settlements” in San Francisco, Oakland & Berkley to see
firsthand the conditions and listen the stories of the people living in extreme poverty.
Welcome to the very first Oregon Homeless Bill of Rights newsletter!
Do you journey for Human Rights??? Join Denver Homeless Out Loud
WRAP never stopped kicking some ass for the good!
WRAP on the international front. WRAP members provided leadership for packed town halls offering testimony on poverty and human rights abuses in the U.S. for visitors from the United Nations (UN).
UN Special Rapporteur on Extreme Poverty and Human Rights: Bay Area Community Forum
The U.N. Rapporteur On Extreme Poverty & Human Rights will be hearing from groups and individuals in the Bay Area and LA
Welcome to Movements Monday, where we hope you will support WRAP and other groups that address root causes through powerful people power! (we made this up but it’s a good idea – yes!?!)
Save the Date: December 5, 2017 at 1:00pm LA CAN will host the United Nations Special Rapporteur on Extreme Poverty during a special town hall meeting.
WRAP members will be hosting two United Nations (UN) Special Rapporteurs and hosting town hall meetings. First, the Rapporteur on Extreme Poverty and Human Rights in December (in Los Angeles and San Francisco) and again in January with the Rapporteur on the Right to Housing (in San Francisco).
Bay Area and beyond, join us at this events
Check WRAP New Artwork: “Privatization Wall” “Trump Agenda” “Wall of Fears”
We can barely contain our excitement to tell you…For the first time in California history a bill written by currently and formerly incarcerated trans people passed the final house of the California State Legislature yesterday!!!
Citizens Education & Advocacy’s Homeless Action Project Roseberg, Oregon
A heartfelt Thank You to everyone for helping us to have another amazing gathering last week!
Save the date! July 21st, San Francisco
You attack us on many fronts to divide and conquer us – We fight back as one!! In our unity is our strength.
2018 Proposed HUD Budget Cuts Fact Sheet
Six of one – Half dozen of the other !
Housing is a human right that we will always strategically fight for in spite of the violence of the capitalist, for-profit system and it’s attempts to destroy this concept.
Wiping out housing , healthcare, food & education – to build a racist wall – Hell NO!!!!
Portland , Oregon . Join us at Picht A Tent 2017 along the route of the Rose Parade. Everyone is welcome , Music, Comedy, Public Education, Food & Fun.
Our first ever! Please share this broadly, and please Support WRAP’s work this Spring.
In California, SB 310 – the Name and Dignity Act, passed through the Senate Judiciary Committee with a 5-2 vote. However, in HB 17-1314 – the Colorado the Right to Rest Act did not pass out of the Local Government Committee with an 8-5 opposition majority.
Right to Rest Act HB 17-1314 Will be Heard in Committee Wednesday!!
Unhoused people silenced by Oregon legislature
YES! Our Bill has a Hearing Date!
WRAP 2016 Annual Report is out and in your mailbox , even though it is the first one we have done in the 12 years WRAP has been in existence!
SB 310 – the Name and Dignity Act for Incarcerated Trans People has a hearing on March 28th in the Senate Public Safety committee and we need your help to get this bill passed!!
New California State Legislation Honors the Dignity of Transgender Prisoners
New Film “Rest, Not Arrest”
Thrid Push for Homeless Bill of Rights in Colorado Legislature
Oregon organizers are so excited that HB 2215, the Oregon Right to Rest Act is moving this year. We are gearing up for our first hearing in the Judiciary committee but we need your help!
Representatives Piluso, Dembrow, Greenlick, Nosse, Power and Frederick Introduce Legislation Protecting the Civil Rights of Homeless and Poor People
MLK Jr. Days of Action Freedom is never voluntarily given by the oppressor; it must be demanded by the oppressed. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Reclaim MLK Day!
Join us to learn about the 2017 Right to Rest Act in Colorado
We are incredibly proud to announce that in 2017 our Right To Rest Act will be running in Colorado and Oregon simultaneously!
DHOL Statement: Mayor Hancock Orders Police to Stop Taking People’s Survival Gear
Help WRAP fight for Incarcerated Trans People’s Rights
The US Homeless Camps Offering A lesson in Democracy
This just in – the Western Regional Advocacy Project (WRAP) will be running the #Right2Rest Act in Oregon again this year!!
Oregon’s racist past, is new again
Hospitality House in partnership with the Western Regional Advocacy Project presents Artists for Justice A community forum on the intersection between art and social
The Non-Solution Solutions To End Homelessness
We’re going to have an eventful rest of the year as we ramp up our organizing, and we hope you join us!
We said we were having a celebration of our communities strength and DAMN did we ever.
Come join us as we celebrate the CAP’s new mural along with the unveiling of a new mural by the Western Regional Advocacy Project (WRAP)
A quick round up of educating, fighting and standing up for our rights!!!
Check out the New and Expanded Report!! June 2016 California’s New Vagrancy Laws The Growing Enactment and Enforcement of Anti-Homeless Laws in the Golden State
Camping Ban enforcement is up 500% since March. Watch these sample videos of what is happening every day now in Denver…
There is no doubt about it, we will win our right to rest. From Colorado to Oregon to California and beyond, we are growing our power.
SB 876 and The Fight for Poor People’s Civil Rights is Back with a New Hearing Scheduled in Sacramento
California’s New Vagrancy Laws: The Growing Enactment and Enforcement of Anti-Homeless Laws in the Golden State.
Get your organizations letters of support in to the capitol!!!
SB 876 authored by State Senator Carol Liu has its first hearing
But move along to where?
Colorado Legislative Committee Votes 5-6 Against the Right to Rest
Join us for the Legislative hearing and committee vote on the Colorado Right to Rest Act (HB 1191)
The Colorado Right to Rest Act HB1191 is scheduled to be heard by the Local Government Committee
Senator Carol Liu Introduces Legislation Protecting the Civil Rights of Homeless Individuals
The Time to Organize is Now
An interview with Paul Boden on WRAP’s 10-year anniversary
SB 608 is dead – Long live SB 608. Onward comrades!
My hope for WRAP is that we never stop fighting for the unseen to be seen and heard and for the poor to be treated with dignity and respect.
Resurrection Village Rise Again! for immediate release
California’s Right2Rest Act is BACK in Sacramento!
When you look to the future, what is your hope for WRAP for the next 10 years?
St. Mary’s Center Annual Homeless Memorial
Art Hazelwood – WRAP Minister of Culture
A public letter to the Denver Housing Authority per Resurrecion Village – A self Governed Tiny Home Community
When the BIDs attack us, we strike back
WRAP is celebrating 10-years of organizing for human rights and housing in 2015.
Come see the amazing Al Brandon perform mind blowing magic and support the work of WRAP – Western Regional Advocacy Project.
One Dollar, One Vote: Big Business Subverts Democracy
The broken windows theory of policing conceptualizes poor people as things to be removed and not people who are struggling to survive.
Day of Action – Rally for our Right to Exist
Book Review Housekeys Not Handcuffs
Punishing the Poorest: How’s SF’s Criminalization of Homelessness Perpetuates Poverty
Which Way Forward on Civil Rights?
Right to Rest Coalition Looks to Build Support over Next Year for Legislation Protecting the Civil Rights of Homeless Individuals
Colorado Remainder
Colorado homeless deserve Right to Rest Bill
Right to Rest Bill SB629 has a Lobby Day April 2nd!
Please take 5 minutes to help the California Right to Rest Bill!
Don’t let the Oregon Homeless Bill of Rights/Right to Rest Bill die in committee
Dear Oregon Right 2 Rest Supporter, Senator Chip Shields Introduces Right to Rest Legislation
Senator Carol Liu Introduces Right to Rest Legislation
We need you to TAKE ACTION today to ensure that all Californians have the Right 2 Rest!
Download Now UC BerkeleyLaw Report: California’s New Vagrancy Laws” was a succes!
Press Conference & release of UC BerkeleyLaw Report: California’s New Vagrancy Laws”
#Right2Rest, Right To Exist and Right To Justice
MLK Day of Action Jan 14 2015
US homeless pin hopes on ‘Bill of Rights’ to end criminalization in 2015
Announcing House Keys Not Handcuffs Book
Homeless Bill of Rights aims to protect life sustaining activities.
Human Rights Victory – A Win Against City of L.A.
Homeless Children and Youth Act of 2014
Building our campaign for justice
WELCOME to Homeless Bill of Rights Campaign
WRAP Members Update
Powerful Days of Action for Justice
West Coast Days of Action January 16 thru 20 – Demanding Human Rights