
One Dollar, One Vote: Big Business Subverts Democracy
Grossman offers a frank opinion of why BIDs aim to move homeless people out of business districts. “It’s a customer… More

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE DOJ Determines Criminalization of Homelessness As Cruel And Unusual Punishment
Press Release FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE August 12, 2015 CONTACT: Paul Boden, Western Regional Advocacy Project Office: (415) 621-2533 DOJ Determines… More

Business Improvement Districts and ‘Broken Windows’ Laws
The broken windows theory of policing conceptualizes poor people as things to be removed and not people who are struggling… More

Homelessness Isn’t Inevitable But Rather A Manifestation of a Society that Is Sorely Lacking in Justice
first published on Alternet by Alyssa Figueroa When you first meet Paul Boden, the executive director of the Western Regional… More