
Homeless Group Gains Stable Site; R2DToo Receives City’s Blessing after Protracted Struggle
Story by Pete Shaw After nearly two-and-a-half years of negotiations, town halls, council meetings, and testimony, Right 2 Dream Too… More

Colorado Legislative Committee Votes 5-6 Against the Right to Rest
Yesterday, February 24th 2016, the Local Government Committee of the Colorado State Legislator voted 5 for 6 against the Right… More
Sweeps in Skid Row (under the auspices of “Operation Healthy Streets”).
This is NOT solving the homeless crisis. This is punishing people for being poor and houseless. This is BEYOND shameful.… More

Colorado Right to Rest HB 1191 to be Heard Feb 24th in Local Government Committee!!
The Colorado Right to Rest Act HB1191 is scheduled to be heard by the Local Government Committee on February 24th… More

#Right2Rest back and stronger than ever!
Senator Carol Liu Introduces Legislation Protecting the Civil Rights of Homeless Individuals Sacramento. California State Senator Carol Liu (D –… More

Mexicanos al Grito de Guerra, reception: January 16, 2016. 6pm-9pm Mission Cultural Center For Latino Arts
We are pleased to invite you to the art show “Mexicanos al Grito de Guerra: We didn’t cross the borders,… More

Honor the legacy – Organize for All!
The Time to Organize is Now! If ever there was a time to organize, it is now. Property and business… More

An interview with Paul Boden on WRAP’s 10-year anniversary
Today we are really happy to hear from WRAP Executive Director Paul Boden as he reflects on WRAP’s 10th anniversary.… More

Major news: California Right To Rest Act SB 608
Hey Everyone! There is a mayor update about the Right2Rest. As you all know, WRAP California members made considerable amendments… More

Capturing the revolution, the activist behind the camera.
Janny Castillo, once homeless with her four young children, has become a masterful organizer and multi-media expert in our community.… More

Give the gift of resistance this holiday!
In this issue we highlight just of few of the amazing acts of resistance happening in local communities in Colorado,… More

…That’s when Paul stepped forward with a concept paper for WRAP and said “let’s do this”.
boona cheema was the Executive Director for Building Opportunities for Self-Sufficiency (BOSS), where she served for 42 years, 38 as… More