Support the Indigenous People’s Day 5
On December 8, the group known as the Indigenous People’s Day 5 are facing trial. We are participating in a phone zap to continue to put pressure on the DA. Please call Marin County District Attorney Lori Frugoli, ask to speak with the receptionist, and demand the charges against the IP5 be dropped.
Phone Zap and Email Contact Info
• Contact Lori Frugoli in the Marin County DA’s office at 415-473-6450
• EMAIL Lori Frugoli at
• Call the Marin County Board of Supervisors, who are in charge of the funding for the DA’s office at 415-473-7331
• Email the Marin County Board of Supervisors:
You can find a phone/email script here.
Some background: On Indigenous People’s Day 2020, at Mission San Rafael, a group of protestors threw red paint on and toppled the statue of Junipero Serra, an 18th century founder of California missions. Serra oversaw the rape, enslavement and torture of Indigenous people. It is said today that “an Indigenous person had a life span of under one week” if they entered a mission.
Police selected five Indigenous people, all women and Two Spirited people, out of the mostly white crowd to arrest. Marin County DA Frugoli charged them with felony vandalism after Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone of San Francisco and prominent Catholics held an exorcism “expunging the site of evil” and brought pressure on the DA to frame the case as a “hate crime” against religious property. This disproportionate response is happening at the same time that similar statues were toppled in Sacramento and in San Francisco. Thank you for acting in solidarity with the Indigenous people of California. #DropTheCharges
For more information, check out the IP5 Solidarity Coalition’s website and Facebook page.
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