Hello and thank you for endorsing Right to Rest (HB 2367)!
Thank you to everyone who contacted Rep. Janelle Bynum asking for her to reschedule the hearing for Right to Rest. Due to our pressure, the bill is rescheduled for a public hearing and work session April 13th at 1pm !!!
Thankfully, all of the written testimony that previously was removed is all back online as well!!!
We still encourage anybody who has not submitted written testimony to please do so as well as encourage others to submit testimony. You can submit testimony here (select April 13 from drop down menu and then HB 2367).
Portland Mercury also published an article today about Right to Rest (HB 2367) in relation to HB 3115. Check it out here. You can also read a recent blog post from WRAP about Right to Rest and its importance.
We are currently updating our materials to reflect this change. Attached is an updated, shareable graphic with the date of the new hearing. Please share this far and widely!
Please let us know if you have any questions. We will continue to provide more updates as we receive them.
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