NOTE: Slight time change and location change for the Denver Right to Survive Signature Delivery. Now at 9:30am across the street from the Election Division and City Hall in Civic Center Park.
What: Ballot Petition Delivery for Denver Right to Survive Initiative
When: October 1st, 9:30am
Where: Denver Elections Division (200 W 14th Ave)
Over 9,000 Signatures to be Delivered for Denver Right to Survive Ballot Initiative!!
On October 1st 2018 community members will be turning in over 9,000 petition signatures they gathered from voters supporting putting the Denver Right to Survive Initiative on the ballot. The Denver Elections Division will now determine if these signatures qualify the initiative to be on the ballot for the people of Denver to vote on in May, 2019.
The Denver Right to Survive Initiative protects people experiencing homelessness from ineffective, inhumane, and unconstitutional laws – like Denver’s “Unauthorized Camping Ban” which makes using “any form of protection from the elements” illegal.
The recent ruling in Boise Idaho of the 9th Circuit Court that camping ban laws that criminalize acts of survival violate our eighth amendment rights reaffirms these laws are cruel and unconstitutional. Another recent ruling in federal district court in Florida found laws against sharing food a violation of first amendment rights. These and other court rulings affirm each of the basic rights protected in the Right to Survive Initiative.
These 9,000 plus signatures show a massive support of the people of Denver for making Denver a place where all of us who lose housing in this impossible housing market have the right to survive in this city.
Community members, each covered with a blanket symbolizing the basic protection this initiative is demanding, will be delivering the signatures to the Denver Elections Division on October 1st at 9:30am. All are invited to join in the delivery and wear a blanket.
(If you can bring a blanket to donate we will be giving these to homeless people to use after the petition delivery. If you only have a blanket you need to keep that is totally cool too).
For more information on the Denver Right to Survive Initiative see
Vote for the Denver Right to Survive (on Tuesday, May 7th) 2019!
-Denver Right to Survive Initiative Committee
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