On Thursday 8/24/17 the city attorneys backed off their original effort to throw Terese in jail for 30 days for the survival ban ticket which violated her probation from sitting in a tiny home. After seeing that the public would outcry for putting someone in jail for sitting in a sleeping bag, they changed their tone and told Terese’s lawyer that they could accept probation and community service instead.
This is what can happen when the public speaks out for people’s rights! Lets keep this up…
Denver Homeless Out Loud Main Meeting
Join us for our weekly main DHOL meeting this Wednesday 8/30 4:45-7pm
at 2260 California St Denver CO 80205 (purple building shared with Centro Humanitario)
Working Group Meeting Times
Tiny Home Villages:
Meeting are now dispersed in various councils throughout the week
Get Loud:
Meets Tuesdays and Thursdays 1pm-3pm at the DHOL office
Homeless Bill of Rights:
Tuesday’s at 2:30pm the DHOL office
Ms.McCormick says
Good job!
Go team!