Today, October 12 2016, around one hundred people – a great many of whom were homeless people impacted by the sweeps – went to federal court to defend our constitutional rights. We gathered in front of the federal courthouse to rally, eat breakfast and drink coffee before entering the court for the hearing. This rally and hearing was heavily attended by media covering this class action suit as the top story.
Lead Plaintiffs in the case told the crowd of how they have had all their belongings taken by police without warning and how they have been continually harassed by police threatening to take all they own. Homeless people who came to this hearing were running off little sleep this morning after a night of continual rain and few with tents to stay dry. In spite of the rain people came to this monumental federal hearing en mass ready to stand together for our rights!
In the hearing Judge Shaffer made a clear path for the case to move forward in an expedient manner. The attorney for the case, Jason Flores-Williams, stand strong for the urgent and immediate need for this case to move forward as the constitutional violations seen in this case are continuing to rob people of their rights and property.
The next hearing for this case will be on October 20. This will again be a procedural hearing but in not too long there will be the vital hearing before Judge Martinez regarding class certification. Stay tuned for updates on this case as we continue to stand together for our rights!

Hi Jonathan,
My name is Glendle McPherson and I am mad as Hell. I live in a small rural town in California. The name of the town is Delhi. The following is a letter a revently wrote in response to negative statements toward us from some of the local community:
“Some people don’t like the fact that some of us allow homeless people to live in the sheds and trailers on the property……we don’t charge anyone rent……we are not rich but neither are we assholes….These living arrangements don’t come without problems….and dealing with the problems is a process…and how. But the way I see it is there are only two options…..individual responsibility gives us the choice to be either part of the problem or part of the solution….These people have access to running water, a bathroom, a roof ( such as it is) over their head, as well as a little peace of mind that a bit of privacy can give them….The only thing we ask is that they are as” right ” with us as necessary for all of our happiness….It takes a little work and I am a little crazy from it but I sleep pretty good at night.. We have 3 acres.”
Law enforcement is forcing the people here to move out by threatening to arrest them if they do not leave. The board of health has warped a statute aimed at slumlords. They are including private property owners who are trying to help the homeless. All this is so crazy to me. Do you know of any recourse?…I am probably going to be arrested because I am fed up with the bullshit. Over my dead body are they going to force these people out of the only shelter they can
obtain…….Thank You , Glendle