For the past three years WRAP member organizations in California, Colorado and Oregon have fought to get our Homeless Bill of Rights – Right to Rest Act legislation introduced and heard in our respective state legislatures.
We are incredibly proud to announce that in 2017 our bill will be running in all three states simultaneously!! This is truly unprecedented.
A sweeping indictment against enforcement of local laws that clearly are (and historically have) been used to remove “certain” people from local communities.
We see 2017 as a watershed moment. Think of the discussions that will be generated, the buzz we can create, honest and thoughtful debates in local civic forums, city/town councils, media and on the streets as people learn about the enforcement practices through our law school reports, street outreach and public information requests.
If we, as a people, are ever going to learn from the Jim Crow, Anti-Okie, Ugly Laws, etc eras this will be the time.
Most importantly in all this incredible work that has been done is the accountable and legitimate leadership of poor and homeless people. With very limited resources and countless upon countless hours of “volunteered” time and effort we have all busted our asses to get this movement to this historical place.
Now more than ever we REALLY need your support!!!!
Wear a T-shirt, hang a poster (or two), display a sticker or send a postcard
– Show the world that you are a positive and meaningful contributor in moving our country and communities to a place where the human rights and dignity of ALL people are the backbone of our laws and government.
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